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  • Writer's pictureK.W. Lee

Andelon Underground Moving Ahead- Blog Post 1.28.24

It is funny how a couple of years changes one’s perspective.  It was roughly two years ago that I finished The Swordmaster’s Matter and decided to begin writing book two of the series.  I didn’t need to write a second book, as I was happy where the story ended, but I felt there was more to tell.  And I was feeling pretty optimistic too.  I thought I had a title, and I was convinced I had a finished a solid plot outline, and all that I needed to do is sit my butt in the seat and get to work.  However, like usual life had other plans. 


For one, my day-job demanded my full attention as my job duties unexpectedly multiplied.  This was quickly followed on by an ill family member, a series of youth-fueled dramatics within the household, and then back around full circle as the day-job decided to throw another monkey wrench in to my plans and force me to negotiate my way through a full-on corporate divorce.   Yes, a divorce – complete with parent organizations hurling insults at each other and a race to scoop up the bewildered children between them.


By comparison it was not nearly as traumatic as a real divorce, I’ll have you know, and a certain part of the experience was instructive – but between you and me, it really wasn’t much fun.  So finally, when the dust settled, as with many things I found that I was a completely different person than I was two years earlier. 


About now, you might be asking – well, what kind of person did I become?  The sort where I go get a full body faux sun-tan and buy a convertible?  I mean, looking at me, certain men of my age go and do that sort of thing.  No, not quite in my case.  I sort of liken my experience to the magic of fermentation: Rather unsavory sounding, perhaps looked upon dubiously, and in many cases leading to a result that smells of wet feet.  However, once in a while, after going through this transformation what emerges is something moderately interesting; A kind of change in point of view, and a desire to write subjects that are more personal than what might have been just a few years earlier.


Don’t get me wrong, I still am excited to write about Emory and Ciderfae’s adventures.  The Swordmaster’s Matter is still quite important to me, especially to illustrate my thoughts and interests at the time of writing.  However, when it comes to new material, the questions that drive my story have changed.  That and I’ve found there are still some ideas that I need to work out for myself, before I can put words to paper in earnest.


Oh, I’ll continue to write chapters, and I can and will likely go on about my writing process in another blog post.  One must continuously flex their muscles to keep them limber and strong after all, whether it be your body or your mind.  To that end, I’d like to use this space on my blog as a sort of clearinghouse for my ideas.  Somewhere to put wandering thoughts down on paper, hold them there, and then return after a time to validate, expand, or discard them as I please with a timestamp to mark my change. 


My intention is to post here at least once a month, maybe twice.  With any luck, it will involve the business of writing – perhaps even a snippet or two.  At the very worst, it’ll be meandering drivel kind of like today, where I’ll regurgitate whatever the latest thing I’ve been reading and how I think it might apply to create writing, or philosophy, or culture and history.  In the end, however, I hope it will be at least entertaining and provoke some amusement in lieu of thoughtfulness.   


So, for those of you who have managed to finish this winding piece, I thank you.  To you devoted readers, I pour a glass of lovely red, raise a toast to your good health, and will see you next time. 

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